What is BANT?

The British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT) is a professional body for registered nutrition practitioners that offers a range of benefits to student-, associate- and full-members.

Find out more about BANT and how to register


What does NTEC stand for?

NTEC (Nutritional Therapy Education Commission) sets the standards for training and education that meet the National Occupational Standards for Nutritional Therapy. NTEC accredits ION’s Nutritional diploma course and BA (Hons) Nutritional Therapy course.

Find out more about NTEC


What is the CNHC

The CNHC is the complementary and natural health care council. CNHC was set up with government support to protect the public by providing a UK voluntary register of health practitioners. CNHC's register has been approved as an Accredited Register by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care, which is a body accountable to the UK Parliament.

Find out more about CNHC